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Privacy policy


TO ART. 13 GDPR 2016/679

The present policy is disclosed by Sacs Tecnorib Spa, in its capacity as Owner of the treatment, to physical subjects operating in the name and on behalf of the company, as well as to physical subjects (including those operating as companies) that supply or receive products or services to/from the Owner (“Data subjects”), pursuant to art. 13 of the “General Data Protection Regulation” 679/16 (“GDPR”).

1. Owner and party responsible for the treatment

The Owner of the treatment of data pertaining to Data subjects is Sacs Tecnorib Spa, VAT CODE 038660780756, with legal headquarters in Via Don Locatelli 51 – 20877 Roncello (MB) Italy – e-mail: , fax. 039 6956234, ph. 039 6885489.

The updated list of parties responsible for the treatment is available in the legal headquarters of the Owner of the treatment.

2. Object of the Treatment

The Owner processes personal identification data (for example, name, surname, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, banking and payment coordinates) – hereunder indicated simply as “Personal data” or as “Data” – communicated by Data subjects in the following occasions:

– visits or phone calls;

– direct contacts for attendance of events, fairs, exhibitions, etc.;

– sending of offers;

– closing of supply and/or sales contracts;

– post-order transmissions and transactions;

– all other possible occasions of contact between the Owner and the Data subject.

3. Purposes of the treatment

The Data subjects’ Data is processed:

A) without express consent (art. 6 let. b) GDPR), for the purpose of:

– closing contractual arrangements with the Owner;

– fulfilling pre-contractual, contractual and tax-related duties deriving from arrangements to be closed or currently in effect;

– fulfilling mandatory duties set by the law, regulations, EU legislation or orders issued by Authority bodies (e.g. anti-money laundering orders);

– exercising the Owner’s rights, such as that of legal defence.

B) without express consent (art. 6 let. f) GDPR), for the purpose of:

– ensuring compliance with currently effective corporate safety procedures, including those to implement legal provisions in effect (e.g. annotation in visitors’ register, compliance with legal duties in terms of health and safety in the workplace, video surveillance to protect the legitimate interest of the company and corporate assets, etc.).

4. Data processing methods

4.1 The Data is collected by electronic means and/or via physical support, upon initiating (or in the ambit of) commercial arrangements with the Owner, and/or upon registering on the Website.

4.2 The Data will be processed via registration, consultation, transmission, conservation and cancellation operations carried out with the support of electronic tools and manually, ensuring the implementation of adequate safety measures and guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data.

4.3 The Data memorized on electronic/magnetic/IT supports is held and archived on a server located in Italy; the Data memorized on paper support is kept in specific archives in the Owner’s legal headquarters.

4.4 The Data is processed by collaborators and/or employees of Sacs Tecnorib Spa in their capacity of officially designated parties responsible of or entrusted with the treatment, in the context of their respective tasks and in compliance with instructions issued by Sacs Tecnorib Spa.

5. Transmission of personal data

Data processed by the Owner will not be diffused, i.e. this will not be transmitted in any way to unspecified subjects, nor will it be made available or even simply consultable.

The Data can be transmitted to employees of the Owner and to a series of external collaborators, within the limits set by this Privacy Policy. Finally, the Data can be transmitted to subjects allowed to access it by legal provisions, regulations and EU standards.

6. Terms of the treatment

6.1 The Data treatment for purposes indicated under section 3.A will last as long as the contractual relationship set up with Sacs Tecnorib Spa, plus a further 10 years as set by laws for the fulfilment of civil and tax-related duties.

6.2 The Data treatment for purposes indicated under section 3.B will last for 24 hours.

Once the term for the Data treatment has expired, the Data will be cancelled or made permanently anonymous.

7. Juridical foundation of the treatment

The juridical foundation of the treatment consists of the correspondent legal provisions (art. 6 GDPR) and of the legitimate interest of the Owner.

8. Transferral of Data

The Owner of the treatment is not entitled to transfer the personal Data to extra-EU third countries or to international organizations.

9. Rights of the Data subject

The Data subject is entitled to the rights listed under articles 15-22 of the GDPR and more specifically to:

  • ask the Owner to access the personal data in order to obtain indications concerning: the origin of the Data; the purpose and methods of the treatment; the logics applied in the event of Data processed with the aid of electronic tools; the identification details of the Owner, of the parties responsible for the treatment and of the designated representative;
  • ask the Owner to update, amend or cancel the Data, for the Data to be limited, and to oppose treatment of the Data;
  • revoke consent in any moment, if the treatment is based on consent;
  • oppose the processing of personal Data, totally or partially;
  • present a complaint to a supervisory body;
  • exercise the right to data oblivion and portability.

10. Exercise of rights

The Data subject can exercise his/her/its rights in any moment by sending:

– a registered letter with notification of receipt to Sacs Tecnorib Spa in Via Don Giuseppe Locatelli n. 51 – Roncello (MB) 20877;

– an e-mail to

11. Non-conferment of data by the Data subject

Conferment of data is optional. However, in some cases non-conferment of data may make it impossible for the Owner to supply or fulfil its contractual duties.

12. Updates to Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to occasional reviews. When changes are made to the data treatment, Sacs Tecnorib Spa will communicate these by publishing this policy on its website.

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